
I am peace

Peace feeds happiness. What comes first? Peace or happiness? Could you be at peace if you are not happy?The answers to these questions depend on your idea of happiness. On whether you get happiness from an external factor or from within.

“Stress is natural” is a belief system. And our belief systems decide our way of living. We need to experiment what we are learning to change our old belief systems. To worry about everything is what we have been taught.

Let's try another belief system before rejecting. We have to put little effort. Lets experiment: I don’t want peace, but I am Peace. I am a Peaceful being. Every person I meet, every act I do, I will do it with awareness- I am a Peaceful Being. 

We have to change our vocabulary from: I want Peace, I want love, I want happiness to I am peace, I am love and I am happy. We all are Peaceful being. That is the reason why we are searching for peace everywhere. 

We had experimented with- 'I want peace' till now and we haven’t founded yet. Now it is time to try: 'I am a peaceful being'. Every interaction we will have today remind yourself that you are peace. Let's try, it is still not the truth. But we have to experiment till we know if it works or not for us. 

We are begging all our life: You do this I will be happy, don’t do this then I will be happy. Let's change and do it another way around. I am happy and now I will do everything. 

“We can make other people happy”- is also a belief system. We can’t make anyone happy and we can’t make anyone sad. Thus no one can make me happy or sad. We are now not dependent on each other or a situation for happiness. We can be surrounded by happy people but still be sad from within. So it is not a person or a situation that makes us happy. It is me who choose for it at that moment.

I have all 'freedom' on what I choose to respond. 

We are blaming so many people our whole life for our miseries. We have to understand people are doing what they are doing but the hurt is our creation. For example: If someone cheats me, this is what they have done with you. But what we do further is our choice. To get hurt or hurt him back or to stay stable and go forward with a positive attitude. We have a choice to stay hurt for 5 minutes, 5 months or for a lifetime.  Same situations, different people will respond in a different manner.  So it is not a situation but a person who decide how he wants to respond to that situation.

Meditation: Everyone around me doing exactly the way that they think is right. I the being choose the response. My response is not in their control. It is my choice. They are behaving in particular way which according to me is not right. I am the master, independent powerful being. I can choose to be stable and then react.


Thank you for being here. I belive: Sharing is caring! I want to share the quotes. But instead of just sharing one line quotes I would like to discuss them in depth with you. Let us find out together what these quotes and thoughts really mean. Life is all about making connections with the world!Let start our journey together to find out who we really are and where we want to go! Thank you for all the love and support!

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